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head.insertBefore(node, baseElement) : head.appendChild(node); currentlyAddingScript = null; } function getScriptPosition() { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); return scripts.length > 0 ? scripts[scripts.length - 1] : null; } // Public API var exports = global.__WPA = { version: version, base: base, staticBase: staticBase, apiBase: apiBase, env: env, protocol: protocol, create: function(data){ data.scriptPosition = getScriptPosition(); stack.push(data); }, on: function(type, cb){ tmpEventBucket[type] ? tmpEventBucket[type].push(cb) : tmpEventBucket[type] = [cb]; }, api: function(){ apiStack.push(arguments); }, ready: function(onReady){ exports.on('load', onReady); }, getScriptPosition: getScriptPosition, _stack: stack, _apiStack: apiStack, _evtBkt: tmpEventBucket }; // fetch packed modules fetch(staticBase + '/pk1.js'); })(this); __WPA.create({"id":472,"fkfuin":2355118924,"fkfext":"2355118924","fkfextname":"\u674e\u6b63\u534e","cate":"7","type":"12","qrcode":"\/\/\/web\/20220407222920\/https:\/\/\/qidian_pic\/0\/20200903709d52b490fcefefd48825374ec68b65\/0","qrCodeImg":"\/\/\/web\/20220407222920\/https:\/\/\/qidian_pic\/0\/20200903709d52b490fcefefd48825374ec68b65\/0","url":"https:\/\/\/web\/20220407222920\/https:\/\/\/TpJbiRtW?_type=wpa&qidian=true","download":"https:\/\/\/web\/20220407222920\/https:\/\/\/mp\/mediaPage\/downloadQrcode3?","name":"\u7535\u8111\u7aef\u7f51\u9875\u63a5\u5f85","createTime":1599116345,"createrUin":2355118924,"createrName":"\u674e\u6b63\u534e","signature":"\u60a8\u597d\uff0c\u5f53\u524d\u6709\u5ba2\u670d\u5728\u7ebf\uff0c\u8bf7\u95ee\u6709\u4ec0\u4e48\u9700\u8981\u54a8\u8be2\u7684\u5417\uff1f","avatar":"\/\/\/web\/20220407222920\/https:\/\/\/qidian\/src\/sites\/srv\/wpa\/conf\/wpa\/avatar\/1-1.png","theme":1,"key":"521f751a45e3965ba44a6ba834a38358","oldKey":"186cb5b24f0f4b878c78d21b39bd31fe","imUrl":"https:\/\/\/web\/20220407222920\/https:\/\/\/6CjyOER8?_type=wpa&qidian=true","custom":{"wpaLocation":{"v":{"type":"1","px":"296"},"h":{"type":"1","px":"9"}},"source":0,"isCustomEntry":0,"isLBS":0},"location":{"v":{"type":"1","px":"296"},"h":{"type":"1","px":"9"}},"roleIM":{"forid":574,"type":7,"value":"0","name":"\u674e\u6b63\u534e(13518439533)","uin":"3008760782","data":"3008760782","isOpenCompanyWords":"0","isKfuin":null,"isPub":null},"roleKey":"roleIM"}); } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 22:29:20 Apr 07, 2022 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 18:01:07 Feb 21, 2024. 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